No dovolj o meni rada bi napisala kaj več o magneziju, kot ugotavljam, o mineralu, ki je vse preveč prezrt v zdravstvu, in ga marsikomu primanjkuje. Tako sem si pred nekaj dnevi na yt-u odkrila zanimive posnetke o tem. In nikakor se ne morem načuditi njegovi moči in predvsem pomembnosti v našem telesu.
Tudi sama sem zato začela z uživanjem magnezija, in zdi se mi kod da so rezultati že vidni...
I have decided that now is really at extremely long time I write a new blog post. Really it's been a few months since my last post. During this time, it happened a lot, of that I am going to work ok otherwise it is really an internship in a health center, but it's paid for, apparently we are back, we will have paid .... I do not know what you will from this.
Well enough about me I'd like to write more about magnesium, and note the mineralu that is all too neglected in health care, and many people lack. So I've a few days ago on yt-u discover interesting videos about it. And certainly can not amazed his power and especially the importance of our bodies.
I too, therefore, began with the consumption of magnesium, and it seems to me as if the results are already visible ...