Ko začnemo z branjem obraza je zelo pomembna oblika obraza. V kitajski medicini poznamo 5 elementov in v te razdelimo tudi oblike obrazov, ti pa so voda, zemlja, ogenj, kovina in les.
When you start reading the face is a very important form of face. In Chinese medicine there are five elements and divide them in the form of faces, such as water, earth, fire, wood and metal.
The illustration above shows the basic facial shape, allow us to more sophisticated reading faces. In reading faces is also important that all the elements are in balance. Let the fire of your face need to look at the eyebrows, eyes and forehead. for example, represent mouth water, and how such impact on the fire type face.
Teorija 5-ih elementov ali Wu Xing je podlaga kitajske metafizike, od medicine do Feng Shui-a, Bazi in Miang Xian-ga. Kitajci verjamejo da je celoten univerzum sestavljen iz teh petih elementov. V študiji petih elementov so pomembni trije ciklusi, katere je potrebno razumeti in obvladati. To si cikli produkcije, slabenja in uničenja. Z razumevanjem narave in reda v teh elementih lahko razumemo, kao neka značilnost na obrazu vpliva na drugo. Tako lahko razberemo če je obraz v ravnotežju ali ni. Razen estetskih prednosti ima ravnotežje velik pomen v kitajskih metafizičnih študijah, tako recimo pri branju obraza, oseba katera ima ravnotežen obraz pomeni da je srečna oseba.
Theory of 5-s elements or Wu Xing is basis of Chinese metaphysics, from medicine to Feng Shui-a, Bazi and Miang Xian. The Chinese believe that the entire universe is composed of these five elements. In a study of five elements are important three cycles, which is necessary to understand and master. That's cycles of production, weakening and destruction. By understanding
the nature and order of these elements can be seen a characteristic facial affect the other. So we can see if the face is in equilibrium or not. Apart from the aesthetic benefits of a balance of great importance in Chinese metaphysical studies in areas such as reading facial, a person which has a face Balanced means that the lucky person.
Cikel produkcije/production cycle
Ta cikel poteka v harmoniji in neprestanem gibanju.
This cycle is in harmony and continuous motion.
V tem procesu se porablja energija in tako elementi slabijo.
In this process consumes energy and thus weaken the elements.
Cikel uničenja/ cycle of destruction
To ni nujno slab cikel, včasih si želimo uničenja, takrat na ta cikel gledamo pozitivno.Takrat je potrebno uničenje da zagotovimo ravnovesje.
This is not necessarily a bad cycle, but sometimes you want to destroy, then this cycle looking destroy pozitiv.Then is necessary to ensure balance.
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