100 letna mapa je v Mian Xiang-u imenovana Bai Sui Tu, vsaka točka na obrazu označuje posamezno leto življenja. Recimo če je neka točka lepo ali dobro razvita to označuje srečo, če je ravno obratno pa težave. Točke ne prikazujejo zgolj srečo ampak tudi zmožnosti posameznika. Že v prejšnji objavi sem napisala da se nekatere številke za ženske začnejo na desni strani, za moške pa na levi strani, tudi nekatere posamezne točke imajo povsem drugačne pomene glede na spol. Glejte spodnje slike ali prejšnjo objavo.
100 year map is in Mian Xiang named Bai Sui Tu, every point on the face indicates a single year of life. For example if a point or a nice well developed, this marks fortune, if the opposite is the problem. Items not showing only happiness but also the ability of the individual. Already in the previous publication I wrote to some figures for womens starting on the right side, for mens on the left side,also some individual points have completely different meanings depending on gender. See the pictures below or the previous post.
Za leta med 1-7 moramo pri moških gledati na levo uho, pri ženskah pa na desno uho.
For the 1-7 years we loocking the men on the left ear, while for women at the right ear.
Iz prvih sedmih pozicij lahko razberemo kakšno je bilo zgodnje otroštvo, takrat se tudi oblikuje velik del našeg karakterja. Dobro razvito uho torej nakazuje, da so za njega lepo skrbeli v otroštvu in da je po osebnosti nežen, ljubeč in prijazen. Slabo razvita ušesa kažejo na slabo otroštvo, kar kaže na to da oseba ne zna sprejemati in dajati ljubezni. Ko gledamo ušesa moramo gledati na nekatere posebnosti kot so popolnost in opredelitev ušesnega grebena, ali so ušesa nastavljena višje ali nižje, ali so majhne ali velika in ali so ušesa mehka ali trda. Kvaliteta ušesa je pomembna za srečo človeka v njegovem zgodnjem otroštvu.
From the first seven positions can be deduced what was the early childhood, then it also forms a major part of our character. Well-developed ear therefore suggests that well cared for him in infancy, and that personality is gentle, loving and friendly. Underdeveloped ears show a bad childhood, which shows that the person does not know how to receive and give love. When looking ears we need to look at some of the features such as completeness and identify reef ear or ears are set higher or lower, whether small or large, or the ears are soft or hard. Quality ears is important for the happiness of a man in his early childhood.
From the first seven positions can be deduced what was the early childhood, then it also forms a major part of our character. Well-developed ear therefore suggests that well cared for him in infancy, and that personality is gentle, loving and friendly. Underdeveloped ears show a bad childhood, which shows that the person does not know how to receive and give love. When looking ears we need to look at some of the features such as completeness and identify reef ear or ears are set higher or lower, whether small or large, or the ears are soft or hard. Quality ears is important for the happiness of a man in his early childhood.
Če so otrokova ušesa še posebaj majhna ali če je preščipnjena (spodnja slika) ni enakomerno definiran to pomeni težavo v tistem otrokovem letu, na katerem mestu ni greben enakomerno definiran, na tistem mestu na katerem ima otrok to, če pogledate zgornjo sliko, v tistem letu se bo pojavila težava ali pa se je že. Težave ponavadi pomenijo slabe življenjske razmere,težko otroštvo, revščino.
If the child's ears are especially small or if the reef ear (see picture below) is not uniformly defined, this means that the child's problem in the year on which the city is not uniformly defined ridge, at the site where the child has it, if you look at the picture above, at the year will be a problem, or has already. Problems usually means poor living conditions, difficult childhood, poverty.
If the child's ears are especially small or if the reef ear (see picture below) is not uniformly defined, this means that the child's problem in the year on which the city is not uniformly defined ridge, at the site where the child has it, if you look at the picture above, at the year will be a problem, or has already. Problems usually means poor living conditions, difficult childhood, poverty.
Torej če nas zanima sreča staršev je dovolj le pogled na otrokova ušesa. Poleg zgoraj naštetega pa je zelo pomembno da so ušesa višje ležeča. Visoko ležeča ušesa so tista ušesa, katerih vrh je višje kot oči. Nižje ležeče pa so tiste katerih vrh poteka pararelno z očmi ali pa je nižje od oči.
So if we are interested in meets parents is enough to look at the child's ear. In addition to the above, it is very important that the ears higher altitudes. High-lying ears one ear, which is higher than the top of the eye. Downstream are those whose summit is taking place pararel eye or is it lower than the eyes.
So if we are interested in meets parents is enough to look at the child's ear. In addition to the above, it is very important that the ears higher altitudes. High-lying ears one ear, which is higher than the top of the eye. Downstream are those whose summit is taking place pararel eye or is it lower than the eyes.
Na sliki so višje ležeča ušesa/ High setting ears
Če so ušesa postavljena višje od obrvi po tem lahko otrok postane slaven v življenju. Ljudje z višje ležečimi ušesi so ponavadi tudi zelo inteligentni, so tudi splošno bolj zdravi skozi celotno življenje, v otroštvu pa so zelo ubogljivi. Dobra ušesa so tudi če jih ne moremo videti od spredaj.
Štrleča ušesa tako spadajo k tako imenovanim slabim ušesom. Ušesa, ki so v celoti tik ob glavi nakazujejo na otroka, ki je zelo ubogljiv in ga zlahka vzgajamo.
If the ears are placed higher than eyebrows after the child becomes famous in life. People with an upstream ears are usually very intelligent, they are also generally healthier throughout their lives, as children are very obedient. Good ears even if you can not see them from the front.
Ears as belonging to the so-called bad ear. Ears that are completely right next to my head suggest a child who is very obedient and easy to raise.
Kot smo že rekli desno uho pri ženskah predstavlja leta med 1-7 in tudi kot smo rekli včasih ni le pozicija drugačna glede na spol, temveč so pomembnejše tudi druge točke.
As we said right ear in women represents between 1-7 years and as we say sometimes is not only a different position in relation to gender, but also other important points.
As we said right ear in women represents between 1-7 years and as we say sometimes is not only a different position in relation to gender, but also other important points.
Najpomembnejša značilnost ženskega ušesa je, da je uho fleksibilno. Če je uho nefleksibilno je imela ženska oz. deklica težko otroštvo.
Naslednja zelo pomembna značilnost je taki imenovani Wind Gap, ki prikazuje na osebnost, če je širok ali velik je ta ženska ponavadi zelo svobodomiselna, nasprotno ozek Wind gap nakazuje da je ženska konzervativna. The most important feature of the female ear is flexible ear. If the ear is inflexible the woman/girl have hard childhood.
Another very important feature is such called Wind Gap, showing the personality, if it is wide, or the size of this woman tend to be very liberal, unlike Wind narrow gap indicates that the woman is conservative.
Another very important feature is such called Wind Gap, showing the personality, if it is wide, or the size of this woman tend to be very liberal, unlike Wind narrow gap indicates that the woman is conservative.
LETA MED 8-14/AGES 8-14
Za moške so ta leta razporejena na desnem ušesu in pri ženskah na levem, predstavljajo prehod v mladost. Takrat se oblikujeta karakter in človekova narava. Torej kakoršni koli problemi, ki se pojavijo v tem obdobju, lahko tudi pozneje vplivajo na posameznikovo življenje.
Za moške so ta leta razporejena na desnem ušesu in pri ženskah na levem, predstavljajo prehod v mladost. Takrat se oblikujeta karakter in človekova narava. Torej kakoršni koli problemi, ki se pojavijo v tem obdobju, lahko tudi pozneje vplivajo na posameznikovo življenje.
Tudi pri tem ušesu smo pozorni na grebene, višino in lego ušesa. Naprimer če je desno uho zelo tanko to ponazarja da je v teh letih imela oseba slabše zdravje sploh duševno. To pa je zaradi tega ker ušesa predstavljajo vir mišljenja in tanka ušesa predstavljajo emocionalne motnje.
Pomembna je tudi primerjava med obemi ušesi, in če sta postavljeni v isti višini, kajti če sta postavljeni na različni višini ali sta drugačni obliki je zelo verjetno daso starši otroka ločeni.
Za dekleta je pomembna tudi barva ušes, barva ušes mora biti za odtenek svetlejša od odraza, kajti če so temnejša, zlasti levo uho, potem to nakazuje da je bila v starosti 8- 14 pogosto bolna in da zlahka postane depresivna.
For men, they are distributed in the right ear and the women on the left, representing the transition to youth.
Then there is established character and human nature. So if are any problems that occur during this period, it may later affect the individual's life.
Even with thes ear we are alert to the reefs, the height and position of the ears. For example, if the right ear is very thin this illustrates that over the years the person had worse mental health at all. It is because ears are a source of thinking and thin ears are emotional disorders.
If the top of your ears is sharp or pointed it indicates the possible emotional trauma caused by the parents, with their separation, this is very important, whereas this person then behaves the same to his wife / husband. Chipped right ear indicates a psychological or emotional damage from childhood that can haunt them in adulthood.
It is also important comparison between the two ears, and if they are placed at the same level, because if you are placed at a different height or the other form is very likely daso child's parents separated.
For girls it is also important to color the ears, ear color should be a shade lighter than the Face, because if they are darker, especially the left ear, then this indicates that in the age of 8-14 she is often ill and she become easily depressed.
V naslednji objavi bomo spoznali podrobneje točke, ki ponazarjajo leta 15-30.
In the next post we will learn in detail the points that represent the year 15-30.