- Obraz elementa ogenj- zabavljač / Fire Face- The Entertainer
Tak obraz je običajno širok v središču obraza (območje nosu) ter ožji v zgornjem delu ( Čelni del). Zelo hitro jih lahko najdemo, če gledamo da imajo ozko in tesnejše čelo in širšo brado. Ponavadi zgledajo lepo, redko so debelušni, imajo definirane nosove in ličnice. Ponavadi imajo rdečkast ten in karizmatične oči.
Ogenj je element, ki predstavlja manire, vljudnost in lepoto, torej ti ljudje vrednotijo lepe manire, so zmeraj vljudni in prisrčni, elegantni v svojem obnašanju. ponavadi so zaposleni v medijih, so zabavljači, delajo lahko tudi na področju javnih sfer. Ogenj je tudi element, ki se širi, rasvetljuje prostor, torej so to ljudje, ki širijo, delijo svoje ideje in sanje na druge. So dobri motivacijski govorniki, odlično lahko vplivajo na druge. zelo hitro jih kaj zamika, so ambiciozni, vendar lahko hitro postanejo zamerljivi in jezni ljudje. Imajo radi avanture, in pri kakšni stvari vztrajajo ako dolgo dokler je ne dosežejo. Dobri so v športu, plesu, radi se kažejo, so pametni, zelo privlačni in imajo magnetno osebnost. Posedujejo kreativnost in inteligenco. Čeprav se zdi da je ogenj svetel in močen, je znotraj prazen, tako jim pogosto primanjkuje samozavesti.
This face is usually wide in the center of the face (nose area) and narrow in the upper part (front part). Very quickly they can be found when looking to have a narrow forehead and deeper and wider chin. Usually look nice, rarely chubby, with defined cheekbones and noses. Usually have a reddish complexion and charismatic eyes. Fire is the element that represents manners, politeness and beauty, so these people valued beautiful manners are always polite and cordial, elegant in its behavior. usually employed in the media are entertainers can work in public spheres. Fire is the element that spreads, rasvetljuje space, so are the people who spread out, share their ideas and dreams to others. They are good motivational speakers, perfect may affect the other. very quickly by what lag are ambitious, but it can quickly become resentful and angry people. They love adventure, and what things they insist ow long until being. They're good in sports, dance, love the show are smart, very attractive and have a magnetic personality. Possess creativity and intelligence. Although it appears that the fire is bright and strong, the inside is empty, so they often have lack of self-confidence.
Ljudje z obrazom elementa ognja ne zaupajo zlahka, in pogosto stvari vzamejo v svoje roke. Oseba s takim obrazom in velikimi usti, kot vemo usta predstavljajo element vode, če se to zgodi to označuje neravnovesje elementov, ta oseba ima extremne ideje ali obnašanja. Če pa ima širše ličnice, kar predstavlja elemment kovine, pa so osebe vztrajne in odločne.
People with face the element of fire do not trust easily, and often take things into their own hands. A person with a face and big mouth, as we know the mouth represent the water element, if it happens this indicates an imbalance of elements that person has extreme ideas or behavior. If it has a wider cheekbones, which represents elemment metals, are persistent and determined person.
- Obraz elementa zemlja- praktik / The Earth Face
Imajo široke obraze oz široke obraze z širokimi ustmi, širokim nosom,ušesi in puhastimi obrvmi. Obraz izgleda kot kvadrat. Ti ljudje so običajno umirjeni, ponavadi so tisti tihi v skupini, so zadržani tudi v kriznih situacijah, svoje misli, občutke običajno zadržujejo za sebe. V teoriji petih elementov je zemlja edini element ki se ne premika, tudi ljudje z obrazom tega elementa običajno v življenju rabijo kak potisk, da se premaknejo. Ponavadi jih ne motivira to kar motivira druge, potrebujejo zelo prepričljiv motiv ali močan razlog preden se lotijo doseganja svojih ciljev, velikokrat zelo oklevajo. To pa ne pomeni da so počasni ali manj inteligentni. Vendar ko se za nekaj zares odločijo lahko spletkarijo, so neusmiljeni in močna sila na katero lahko računamo. Nesmemo jih podcenjevati. Zemljo povezujemo tudi z zaupnostjo, tako lahko tem ljudem običajno zaupamo, izjema so le tisti, ki imajo nos postrani, to je karakteristika, ki nakazuje izmuzljivo naravo. Čeprav imajo počasne in težke poti, so pogosto material za zelo bogate ljudi. Njihova praktičnost, vestnost in stalnost pomeni, da so sposobni veliko bogastvo s težkim delom. Njihova trajna narava jim daje tudi dolgo življenje in na splošno dobro zdravje.
They have wide faces or faces broad with wide mouth, broad nose, ears and fluffy eyebrows. The face looks like a square. These people are usually quiet, they are usually silent ones in the group are retained in a crisis situation, their thoughts and feelings usually kept for himself. In theory, the five elements of the earth is the only element that does not move, the people face this element generally in life need some push to move. Usually they are not motivated by what motivates others, need a very convincing motive or strong reason before they undertake to achieve their goals, often very hesitant. This does not mean that they are slow or less intelligent. However, when you decide to be something really intrigue are ruthless and powerful force which we can count. Underestimated by as irrelevant. Earth is also linked to confidentiality so that people can usually trust, the only exception being those who have crooked nose, it is characteristic that indicates elusive nature. Although a slow and difficult path, often for very rich people. Their practicality, conscientiousness and consistency means that they are able to great wealth through hard work. Their durable nature also gives them longevity and overall good health.
Nekateri obrazi so sestavljeni iz dveh elementov, pri tistih se odločimo za element, ki najbolj izstopa.
Some faces are composed of two elements, we choose those that stands out the most.
Tako pa smo zaključili z oblikami obraza, upam da je bilo zanimivo in poučno, v naslednji objavi pa se bomo posvetili posameznim točkam na obrazu, ki predstavljajo leta.
So we have completed the forms of the face, I hope it was interesting and instructive, the next post will be devoted to individual points on the face,that represent the years.
Vaša NN
Yours NN
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