Dermaplaning, verjetno se sprašujete kaj je to spet. Nikar se ne prestrašite zgornje slike, raje prebirajte naprej. Evo kaj je Dermaplaning tudi sem se jaz spraševala, ko sem o tem postopku najprej zasledila na enem izmed naših lepotnih forumov, ok na forumu Planet lepote, da jim malo raklame še naredim.
No da razjasnimo kaj je sploh to. Torej Dermaplaning je postopek ko s sterilnim kirurškim skalpelom dermatolog odstranjuje povrhnico našega epidermisa, saj veste odmrlo kožo. Vendar se nikar ne prestrašite, kajti postopek je popolnoma neboleč in varen, v bistvu gre za navadno britje. Temu bi lahko rekli tudi nekakšen mehanski piling. To lahko delate tudi doma z navadnimi britvicami, morate pa poskrbeti da so čiste britvice in seveda očiščen obraz. Glede dlak naj vas ne skrbi da bi vam kar začele poganjati, kajti te stvari so odvisne zgolj od hormonov, in glede tega se strinjam, na forumu se punce izogibajo le predelu nad zgornjo ustnico, no vglavnem predelom kjer vidite da vam poganjajo dlake, obvezno pa se morate izogibati predelom oči, ker je tam izredno tanka koža, nočete je poškodovati.Koža je po dermaplaningu baje čista, mehka in rožnata. Dolgoročno postopek deluje predvsem na zmanjšanju gub, ter na zmanjšanju manjših brazgotin, kar pa nikakor ni slabo.No in zaradi nekej brazgotinic, ki jih imam na obrazu sem se obločila da poskusim. Postopek se izvaja vsake štiri do tri tedne nekje po 30 minut.
Na spletu sem našla sliko, ki prikazuje učinke dermaplaninga, to je seveda po večih ponovitvah:
Na spletu sem našla sliko, ki prikazuje učinke dermaplaninga, to je seveda po večih ponovitvah:
Drugače glede postopka v Sloveniji je še dokaj neznan, verjetno tudi zaradi tega ker je to nekakšno britje... in pač prepričanja da si ženske ne smejo briti obraza. Je pa postopek zelo priljubljen v Aziji ter tudi v Ameriki, veliko žensk pa ga izvaja skrivoma v svojih kopalnicah. Najbolj znani po britju obraza sta bili Marilyn Monroe in Elizabeth Taylor, dermaplaning pa je tudi danes zelo priljubljen med številnimi Hollywoodskimi igralkami, zakaj torej nebi še jaz poskusila, in tudi seveda sem.
Najprej sem si dodobra očistila obraz. Potem sem namazala obraz z Alverde kremo, tolko da je britvica lepo drsela in začela z "britjem". Začela sem na čelu, na vsakem delu sem tam do 5x potegnila z britvico, nadaljevala sem na licih in še na bradi. Po končanem postopku sem si obraz spet namazala s kremo, le- ta se e zelo hitro vpila. Rezultati: koža je bila po končanem postopku rdeča, na otip izredno mehka. Naslednji dan sem bila prijetno presenečena ten kože je bil izredno lep, koža mehka, nimam pritožb :) .
Čez štiri tedne bom sigurno ponovila.
Če priporočam drugim sigurno, vendar previdno z britvicami nočem biti odgovorna za kake vreznine in podobno. No da še napišem kar sem prebrala na nekam forumu, kjer je neka ženska v 45 letu napisala, da sama to izvaja doma z dritvico že nekaj let in ji je žal da tega ni počela že prej, ter priporoča da poskusijo vsi ta postopek.
Evo pa sem se res razpisala, dodala bi še to, da če se res odločite da si naredite dermaplaning da se o vsem res dobro pozanimate, na yt je veliko posnetkov na to temo, pa tudi v angleškem jeziku, in res previdno in po pameti.
Še posnetek, da si boste ležje predstavljali:
Dermaplaning, you're wondering what it is again. Do not get spooked picture above, prefer to speak. Here's what Dermaplaning is, also I'm wondering when I'm on the proces previously been observed in one of our beauty forums, forum ok Planet Lepote to them a little raklame still do.
Well to clarify what's the Tues So Dermaplaning is a procedure where a sterile surgical scalpel dermatologist removes the epidermis of our epidermis, you know, dead skin. However, do not be scared, because the procedure is completely painless and safe, in fact it is a simple shave. You could call it a kind of mechanical exfoliation. It can work at home with a manual razor, but you must make sure that they are clean razor and of course, clean face. According hairs do not worry about that as you start pedaling, because these things are dependent solely on hormones, and I agree, to make sure the girls avoided only area above the upper lip, no Anyway Predel see where you run hair, compulsory however, you should avoid Predel eyes, because there is exceptionally thin, you do not want the poškodovati.Koža is dermaplaningu supposedly clean, soft and pink. Long-term process works primarily in the reduction of wrinkles and to reduce minor scarring, but this was no slabo.No nekej and the scar I have on my face, I try to Arc. The procedure is carried out every four to three weeks sometime after 30 minutes.
On the web I found a picture that shows the effects dermaplaninga, of course this is after many iterations:
On the web I found a picture that shows the effects dermaplaninga, of course this is after many iterations:
Otherwise, the procedure in Slovenia is relatively unknown, probably because of this because this kind of shaving ... and belief but that women should not shave your face. However, the process is very popular in Asia and also in America, many women and it is the secret in their bathrooms. The most well-known face after shaving were Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, dermaplaning is also now very popular among many Hollywood actresses, so why would not I have tried, and of course I am.
First I clean the face thoroughly. Then I smeared her face with Alverde cream that Tolko is a nice sliding razor and began to "shave". I started at the top, on each of the 5 times I was there to pull the razor, I continued on the cheeks and on the chin. Following this process, I again face smeared with cream, it is e very quickly absorbed. Results: The skin was red after the procedure, extremely soft to the touch. The next day I was pleasantly surprised complexion was extremely beautiful, soft skin, I have no complaints :).
After four weeks I will definitely repeat.
If you recommend it to others for sure, but carefully, with the blades do not want to be held liable for any cuts and the like. Now that I write about what I read somewhere on the forum where a woman in the 45 year wrote that this is done alone at home with dritvico for several years and she was sorry that this was not done earlier, and recommends that everyone try this procedure.
Here, I was really launched, I would add that if you really decide that you do dermaplaning that all the really good get information on yt is a lot of footage on this topic, as well as in English, and really care and common sense .
The track that you ležje represented:
First I clean the face thoroughly. Then I smeared her face with Alverde cream that Tolko is a nice sliding razor and began to "shave". I started at the top, on each of the 5 times I was there to pull the razor, I continued on the cheeks and on the chin. Following this process, I again face smeared with cream, it is e very quickly absorbed. Results: The skin was red after the procedure, extremely soft to the touch. The next day I was pleasantly surprised complexion was extremely beautiful, soft skin, I have no complaints :).
After four weeks I will definitely repeat.
If you recommend it to others for sure, but carefully, with the blades do not want to be held liable for any cuts and the like. Now that I write about what I read somewhere on the forum where a woman in the 45 year wrote that this is done alone at home with dritvico for several years and she was sorry that this was not done earlier, and recommends that everyone try this procedure.
Here, I was really launched, I would add that if you really decide that you do dermaplaning that all the really good get information on yt is a lot of footage on this topic, as well as in English, and really care and common sense .
The track that you ležje represented:
yours NN
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