In this post we'll go over the years from 15 to 30 Let's get started.
Ognjena zvezda se nahaja na vrhu čela, ne sme imeti brazgotin, ne potiskov ali izboklin in mora biti mesena. Za to točko hočemo da je visoko, vendar če imamo nizko čelo je lahko tudi skrita v lasišču. Pri visokem čelu, kaže na to da ima ta oseba dobro izobrazbo, in da bo napredoval, napredovala v svojem študiju. Če se točka nahaja v lasišču, to nakazuje na osebo ki zgodaj zapusti šolanje.
Fire Star is located at the top of the forehead, should not have scars, no pushes or bumps and should be carnal. For this point we want to be high, but if we have a low forehead can also be hidden in the scalp. At high forehead, indicating that this person has a good education, and to progress, progress in their studies. If the point is located in the scalp, this points to the person who leaves school early.
Pri ženskah visoko ležeča in mesnata pozicija 15 vglavnem predstavlja srečo v razmerju in šolanju v tem obdobju. Razumeli se bodo s starši in učitelji.
By womens, high altitudes and fleshy position 15 represents Anyway good luck in relationship and schooling in this period. They will have understood by their parents and teachers.
Ta točka se nahaja za en prst pod točko 15, in je kot točka 15 na istem mestu za ženske kot za moške.
This point is located one finger under section 15, and as point 15 is in the same place for women than for men.
Točka je pomembna za status in presenco posameznika. Plemeniti ljudje vzbujajo spoštovanje in oddajajo elegantno auro. On ali ona ima neko v sebi neko odličnost (ni povezave z izgledom), ki jim da vodilno ozračje, določeno vlado in karizno. Pri točki 15 nočemo da je nizko ležeča, predrta, brazgotinasta in zamaknjena. To predstavlja ljudi, ki nimajo vodilnega ozračja in imajo pomanjkanje karizme in običajno drugim takoj niso všeč. Ti ljudje običajno tudi nimajo družinske sreče, veliko ovir in problemov pri izobraževanju in morda nimajo niti priložnosti da bi dosegli višjo izobrazbo.
This point is important for status and pressence of individual. Noble people command the respect and emit an elegant aura. He or she has something in itself an excellent (no connection with the appearance), leading them to the atmosphere, certain government and carizm. In paragraph 15 we do not want the low-lying, flat, scarred and lost. This represents people who are not leading the atmosphere and have a lack of charisma and usually do not like others immediately. These people usually have no family fortune, many obstacles and problems in education and maybe do not even have the opportunity to achieve higher education.
Če pogledamo spodnjo sliko, vidimo da se rob lasišča dotika točke 16. V zahodni kulturi temu rečejo Vdovin vrh pomeni, da je ženska že v ranih letih delala ali da je študirala v tujini, lahko pa kaže tudi na težaven odnos z očetom.
If you look at the picture below, we see that the edge touches the scalp point 16 In west culture it is called widow's peak means that a woman is already in the early years worked or studied abroad, but can also indicate a difficult relationship with his father.
Plemenitosti je še posebaj pomembna za ženske, ker pomeni da bodo nežno elegantne žene. Ženske, ki imajo flekasto območje 16, to pomeni da so bolj robustne narave in so brez dlake na jeziku. Imajo težave z očetom in potencialno tudi s svojimi možmi, pri 16 se tudi težje skoncentrirajo na učenje, zlahka jih kaj zamoti.
Sedaj pa še nekaj o Qi barvi, to pomeni barvo kože, seveda brez ličil. Pri ženskah če je pozicija 16 bolj mat barve, to pomeni da ženski primanjkuje elegance, da je nepremišljena, drzna in da ji primanjkuje nežnih potez.
Generosity is especially important for women, because it means that they will gently elegant wife. Women who have flekasto area of 16, this means that the more robust nature and outspoken. They have problems with his father and potentially also with their husbands, and 16 is also more difficult to concentrate on learning, easily distracted by anything.
Now, some of the Qi color, ie color, of course, without makeup. In women, if the position is 16 more matte colors, this means that women lack the elegance that is reckless, bold and lacking subtle moves.
Kot vidite na sliki je pozicija sonca torej točke 17 pri moških na levi strani pri ženskah na desni strani, ter pozicija lune torej točke 18 pri moških na desni strani pri ženskah na levi strani.
Sonce predstavlja očeta, luna predstavlja mater - ti dve poziciji sta pomembni za kvaliteto vaših razmerij in povezanost s svojimi starši, ter tudi koliko pomoči ste deležni iz njihove strani in če so ali niso vključeni v vaše življenje. Brazgotine, linije in izbokline na teh točkah predstavljajo slabo razvito sonce in luno. Predstavljajo pa običajno ljudi, ki so skrajno samostojni. Zelo dobro razviti točki, pa predstavljata osebo, ki sprejema finančno pomoč staršev ali da je nasledil, ali nasledila njihovo službo.
As you can see in the picture is the sun position therefore paragraph 17 of the men on the left side of the women on the right side, and the position of the moon then point 18 men on the right side of the women on the left side.
The Sun represents the father, the moon represents the mother - these two positions are important for the quality of your relationships and the relationship with their parents, as well as how much aid you will receive in their hand and if they are or are not involved in your life. Scars, lines and ridges on these points are poorly developed sun and the moon. However, they represent normal people who are extremely independent. Very good point to develop and represent the person that receives financial assistance from parents or predecessor or successor to their job.
Za ženske če je koža v poziciji sonca mračna in če se pozicije 16 dotika lasišče (glejte zapis o točki 16), to pomeni zelo slabo povezavo z očetom ali hčerko, ki prinaša nesrečo svojemu očetu, tradicionalna kitajska razlaga tovrstne nesreče je če je hči uporniška, kajti mir prinaša denar in prepiri v družini pomenijo pomanjkanje denarja, ni pa mišljena nesreča dobesedno.
For women, if the position is the sun gloomy and if the positions are touching the scalp 16 (see point 16 of the record), it means very bad connection with his father or a daughter who is bad luck to his father, chinese traditional interpretation of such an bad luck is if the rebellious daughter because peace brings money and quarrels in the family include a lack of money, but it is not meant literally an bad luck.
Je en prst nižje kot točka 16, in predstavlja šrečo pri 19 letih, nahaja se med soncem in luno oziroma med točko 17 in 18 ali lahko rečemo na sredini čela. Razen tega da posamezne točke predstavljajo srečo pri določenih letih, nakazujejo tudi na karakterne značilnosti oseb.
Če je točka 16 povezana z eleganco in auro je točka 19 predstavljena kot točka, ki predstavlja človekovo zmožnost elegantnega obnašanja, da skrbijo za sebe in da zračijo pomembnost tudi če so brez denarja. Pozicija predstavlja dostojanstvo, pozicijo in žarijo po prijaznosti, ne glede na to če so rojeni v bogato ali revno družino. Dobra točka 19 pa je brez brazgotin, madežev in enakomerne polti. Poziciji 16 in 19 gresta velikokrat z roko v roki, in to predstavlja osebo, ki je deležna velikega spoštovanja.
Na kvaliteto točke 19 tudi zelo vplivata točki 17 in 18, kajti nebesa morajo biti podprta z luno in soncem.
Tovrstno branje je poimenovano Hun Liu Fa ali branje več pozicij skupaj. Recimo Ljubice ali druge žene imajo slabo pozicijo točke 19 in majhne nosove. Če je ta pozicija pri ljubici res zelo slaba je malo verjetno, da se bo moški ločil od svoje žene, da bi se poročil z njo. In tudi iz njegove strani ne bo priznana. Tem ženskam se ponavadi svetuje da si poiščejo že ločene moške, kajti tako bi postale druge žene, a vseeno priznane, s tem se prelisiči slaba pozicija točke 19.
Za ženske je pozicija 19 zelo pomembna, ker predstavlja to kako jo spoštuje njen mož ter če je priznana iz njegove strani. Recimo madež na tej točki pri ženskah predstavlja da jih mož premalo spoštuje ali da bo imela težave v zakonu.
One finger point lower than 16, is point 19 and presents lucky for year 19, is located between the sun and the moon, or between 17 and 18 point, or we can say in the middle of the forehead. In addition to individual points are lucky in some years, indicating the characteristics of people.
If the point 16 associated with elegance and aura is presented as a point 19 point, which represents the human ability elegant behavior, to take care of yourself and the importance of that raid even if they have no money. Position represents dignity, position and glow for kindness, no matter if you are born into a rich or poor family. Good point 19 is without scars, blemishes and smooth complexion. Positions 16 and 19 often go hand in hand, and this is a person who enjoys great respect.
The quality of point 19 is also strongly influenced by paragraphs 17 and 18, for heaven must be supported by the moon and the sun. This kind of reading is named Hun Liu Fa or reading more positions together. Suppose Mistresses or other wives have a bad position points 19 and small noses. If this position is really a very bad by mistress, it is unlikely that a man divorced his wife to marry her. And from his side will not be recognized. These women are usually advised to seek separate men already, because it would become a second wife, but still recognized, this is trick for a bad position point 19,
For women, 19 position is very important because it represents how they will be respected by her husband and if it is recognized from his hand. Let the mole at this position by women, represents that they have lack of respect from husband or they will have difficulties in the marriage.
If the point 16 associated with elegance and aura is presented as a point 19 point, which represents the human ability elegant behavior, to take care of yourself and the importance of that raid even if they have no money. Position represents dignity, position and glow for kindness, no matter if you are born into a rich or poor family. Good point 19 is without scars, blemishes and smooth complexion. Positions 16 and 19 often go hand in hand, and this is a person who enjoys great respect.
The quality of point 19 is also strongly influenced by paragraphs 17 and 18, for heaven must be supported by the moon and the sun. This kind of reading is named Hun Liu Fa or reading more positions together. Suppose Mistresses or other wives have a bad position points 19 and small noses. If this position is really a very bad by mistress, it is unlikely that a man divorced his wife to marry her. And from his side will not be recognized. These women are usually advised to seek separate men already, because it would become a second wife, but still recognized, this is trick for a bad position point 19,
For women, 19 position is very important because it represents how they will be respected by her husband and if it is recognized from his hand. Let the mole at this position by women, represents that they have lack of respect from husband or they will have difficulties in the marriage.
Pri ženskah ti točki predvsem predstavljata zakon oziroma razmerje, in točki morata biti pregledani skupaj z nosnim mostom ter obliko ustnic. recimo če ima žena nižje ležeči nos ali je nosni most izbožen, ali recimo navzdol usmerjene ustnice kar nakazuje na pomanjkanje moževe pomoči, pomanjkanje strasti v razmerju in da ima žena slabega moža.
These points are near the points 17 and 18, representing advantages and that he can count on the support of my family. Positions 20 and 21 we read together with items 17 and 18. For example if the forehead is unequal positions, these points will not be next to each other (17, 20, 18 and 21), this represents a person who can not count on help from their families, even if they ask for help. If the positions 20 and 21 colored, it means a bit of luck when leaving the house and when you go to any trip, as well as harder to find people who could help you.
For women in particular, these points represent the law or the relationship, and points should be reviewed together with the nasal bridge and the shape of lips. for example, if you have one of the low-lying nose or nasal bridge izbožen, or, say, the downward lip indicating a lack of her husband's assistance, the lack of passion in relationships and that is one bad husband.
Točka je povezana s samozaupanjem, samozavestjo in spoštovanjem sebe in drugih, če oseba verjame v svoje sposobnosti in sebe, ce se dojema pozitivno ali negativno, vse to nam pove točka 22. Sramežljivi ljudje, tisti ki se zmeraj poičutijo neprimerni in da zmeraj potegnejo krajši konec imajo običajno vboklino liniji točko 22, brazgotinasto ali se na njej pojavi bula. Globja je vboklina ali bolj kot je brazgotina vidna bolj se oseba počuti poraženo in bolj ji manjka samozavesti. Zmeraj se primerjajo z drugimi, tudi za najmanjše stvari. Žene z brazgotino ali vboklino na točki 22, so zelo obvisne kaj si možje mislijo o njih, in zmeraj iščejo njihovo privolitev, lahko postanejo anoreksične ali so obsedene s svojim videzom.
Pri ženskah, ki imajo izbočeno točko 22, to pomeni da so samovšečne, isto velja za moške, če imajo izbočeno pozicijo 22.
Točka je tudi povezana s sposobnostjo pridobivati slavo in dobro ime v družino, če je konica nosu vzporedna s točko 22 boste prinesli slavo v družino in vaši potomci bodo ponosni na vas.
Ljudje z nizkim lasiščem, recimo niso uspešni voditelji, ravno zaradi tega, ker je pri njih točka 22 na neugodni poziciji in imajo manjšo samozavest.
Point is associated with self-confidence, self-esteem and respect for self and others, if a person believes in himself and his abilities, if the perceived positive or negative, all this tells us paragraph 22. Shy people, the ones who are always poičutijo inadequate and that always draw the short end of the depression usually have a line item 22, scarred or it suffers bump. The deeper concaves or more as a more visible scar a person feels more defeated and lacking self-confidence. Always be compared with other, even for the smallest things. Wife with a scar or depression on point 22, the very obvisne what you guys think about them, and always seek their consent to become anorexic or are obsessed with their bodies.
In women who have a convex section 22, this means that the smug, the same goes for men, if they have a convex 22nd position
The point is also related to the ability to acquire fame and goodwill in the family, if the tip of the nose parallel to item 22 will bring glory to the family, and your descendants will be proud of you.
People with low scalp, say leaders are not successful, just because it is in paragraph 22 of them in an unfavorable position and have lower self-esteem.
In women who have a convex section 22, this means that the smug, the same goes for men, if they have a convex 22nd position
The point is also related to the ability to acquire fame and goodwill in the family, if the tip of the nose parallel to item 22 will bring glory to the family, and your descendants will be proud of you.
People with low scalp, say leaders are not successful, just because it is in paragraph 22 of them in an unfavorable position and have lower self-esteem.
O mladostnih letih več v naslednji objavi :)
On the youthful years more in the next post :)
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