Se nahaja na poziciji 17 in 18, ki sta znani kot sonce in luna, luna predstavlja našo mamo in sonce našega očeta. Predstavljata pa naš odnos s starši in tudi njihovo zdravje.
Is located at position 17 and 18, which are known as sun and moon, the moon is our mother and sun our father . Represent our relationship with parents and their health.
Če se na področju očeta pojavi brazgotina ali izpuščaj, to pomeni, da je oče umrl že zelo zgodaj ali pa na področju matere, da je umrla mati zelo zgodaj. Če se na področju staršev pojavi sprememba lahko pomeni tudi, da od njih ne bomo prejeli pomoči. Če je čelo neravno, pomeni da sta njegova starša v slabem razmerju. Linije čez čelo pomenijo težko življenje pred 30 leti in življenje brez starševske podpore. Ozko čelo, torej, da sta poziciji tesno skupaj pomeni, da je oseba hitro zaključila šolanje in je šla zgodaj delat.
If an position of the father is scar or rash, it means that his father died at an early age, or at the moon position, thet the mother died very early. If an the parent position is a change may also mean that one of them will not give us hepl when we needet. If the head of an uneven, it means that parents are in a bad relationship. Lines across the forehead means a hard life 30 years ago and living without parental support. Narrow forehead, so that the position close together means that the person has completed the training and quickly went to work early.
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