torek, 11. december 2012

Mian Xiang-kitajsko branje obraza/Mian Xiang- chinese Face reading 22.del/22.part


Predstavlja vaš odnos s sorojenci in njihove karakteristike, razberemo lahko tudi njihovo zdravje in če nam pomagajo. Palača se nahaja na naših obrveh. Ko jo ocenjujejo, gledamo dolžino, smer rasti dlak in debelino obrvi.

It represents your relationship with your siblings and their characteristics, can also deduce their health and if you help us. The palace is located on our eyebrows. When you consider looking at the length of the direction of hair growth and thickness of eyebrows.

Če je obrv daljša od oči ima oseba več kot štiri sorojence, če pa je enako dolga pa manj kot 4. Obrvi, ki rasejo gladko navzven predstavljajo dober odnos in pomoč sorojencev. Če dlake obrvi rastejo v različne smeri, to pomeni da smo s sorojenci nekoliko oddaljeni. Če imamo goste obrvi to pomeni, da se slabše razumemo z njimi. Če je obrv prekinjena pomeni tudi zdravstvene težave, če je desna obrv potem zdravstvene težave sestre, če pa leva pa brata. Če sta obrvi na  različnih višinah, torej ena višje kot druga, to najverjetneje nakazuje, da ima oseba pol brata ali pol sestro, to nam še dodatno potrdita ušesi če sta v različnih višinah.

If the eyebrow is longer than eye person has four siblings, and if it is the same length it meansthat person has less than 4 Eyebrows that grow out smoothly represent a good  and helpful siblings. If eyebrow hairs growing in different directions, this means that we have distent relasiptin with siblings . If you have thick eyebrows, this means that less understand with  them. If the brow is interrupted, means  health problems if it is right eyebrow has health problems sisters, but if you left one brother. If eyebrows are at different heights, that is one higher than the other, this probably indicates that a person has a half brother or half sister, this allows us to further confirm if the ears are at different levels.

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