ponedeljek, 3. december 2012

Mian Xiang-kitajsko branje obraza/Mian Xiang- chinese Face reading 12.del/12.part

Če je mesnata predstavlja lepo opokojitev in lahek prehod v staro obdobje. V kitajski kulturi pomeni imeti lepo starost, imeti okrog sebe veliko otrok in vnukov, grda starost pomeni da si osamljen in sam. Če imate to območje neravno ali brazgotino na tem področju to pomeni slab socialni status in kratko življenje. Tanko, neravno, brazgotinasto ali svetleče območje pomeni zdravstvene probleme v starosti 61, osamljenost ali da se boste v teh letih tolažili z alkoholom. Pozicijo gledamo tudi skupaj s smejalnimi linijami, če je smejalna linija, ne gledamo pozicije 61, če pa je daljša pa jo pogledamo.

If it is a fleshy presenta beautiful  retirement and an easy passage to the old period. In Chinese culture, it means to have a nice age, be around a lot of children and grandchildren, ugly age means you're lonely and alone. If you have this area or uneven scar in this area, this means bad social status and short life. Thin, uneven, scarred or shiny area means health problems at the age of 61, or loneliness make you comfort during these years with alcohol. Position also seen with Laugh lines if the smile line, not looking at position 61, but if the longer it looks.


Razen sreče v teh letih nam povesta, če bo oseba zapustila premoženje za potomce. Koščeni poziciji nikakor nista dobri za ženske, tanka in koščena pozicija pomeni vdovo brez premoženja, ta možnost se še poveča če ima vdova koščen nos. Če je pozicija izbočena ali zabrazgotinjena, oseba na ušesih nima mečic in oči so temnejše obarvane pomeni smrt pri 62.

Except fortune over the years tell us if the person left the property to descendants. Bone position does not good for women, thin and bony position present  a widow without property, this possibility becomes even greater if a widow has a bony nose. If the position is convex or scar, a person does not have the ear lobes and eyes are darker colored means death at 62.


Pove nam če bomo pri tej starosti obkroženi s plemenitimi ljudmi. Zelimo si mesnati poziciji, kar nakazuje obkroženost  z ogromno ljudmi iz razširjene družine in prijateljimi. Če je območje tanko in so usta usmerjena navzdol, to pomeni izgubo bogastva v tem obdobju. okrog tega območja želimo vlažno kožo, ne suhi, to nakazuje na zdravstvene probleme povezane s cirkulacijo ali ledvicami ali s krvjo. Če sta točki napihnjeni in mesnati ter ustnice lepe rožnate barve pomeni lepo starost. Če sta območji koščeni in je brada  ravna to predstavlja kratko življenjsko obdobje.

It tells us if we are at this age surrounded by precious people. We want you fleshy position, suggesting inaccessibility of people from a lot of extended family and friends. If the area is small and the mouth on the downside, it means loss of wealth over this period. around the area we want to damp skin, not dry, it indicates to health problems related to circulation or kidneys or blood. If the position is  inflated and fleshy lips and beautiful pink color is a nice age. If the bony areas and the chin level, this represents a short lifespan.


Ne smejo biti okrogli, kot recimo klovnova usta, ali razmazana kot pri šminkah nasprotno pa si želimo da so kotički ust usmerjeni navzgor, tudi ko se ne smejemo, to predstavlja optimistično, srečno osebo. Poziciji morata biti bolj bel, za to pozicijo želimo da je bolj bleda do rožnata, ne sme biti temna. Poziciji tudi predstavljata sposobnost prepričevanja in moč govora, če imamo dobre te točke nas drugi poslušajo. Če so smejalne linije zelo blizu teh točk to predstavlja zelo trmasto osebo s katero pa se ni mogoče pogajati. Če pa so točke mesnate in dolge smejalne linije ter se med seboj ne dotikata je oseba zelo vplivna in tudi besede imajo velik vpliv.

It is not goot if they are like a clown mouth, or smeared as in lipsticks contrary, we want to be geared up corners of the mouth, even when you do not laugh, this represents an optimistic, happy person. Position must be more white, for this position we want to be more pale to pink may not be dark. Positions also represent the ability of persuasion and the power of speech, if we have a good point that we listen to others. If the smile lines very close to these points, this represents a very stubborn person which is not negotiable. If the points are long and fleshy smile lines and they do not touch the person is very powerful and also words have a huge impact.


Sicer lahko izgledajo srčkano pri otroku, vendar pomenijo težave pri letih 68-69, še posebaj če so zelo globoke. Temnejše obarvana koža na tem mesto pomeni osebo, ki je poln skrbi in pogosto po ne potrebnem. Če sta poziciji mesnati, to pomeni zdravje, srečo in blaginjo v družini, kar pa je znamenje dolgega življenja.

They can look cute in a child, but problems arise in the years 68-69, especially if they are very deep. Darker colored skin in this place means a person who is full of worries and often after not necessary. If the position of the flesh, that means health, happiness and prosperity in the family, which is a sign of long life.


Točka predstavlja starost, želimo da je mesnata, brez gub in gladka, hkrati gledamo v oči, ki morajo biti vesele in polne življenja, glas ne sme biti hrapav in tih. Gube na bradi in tih glas pomenita zdravstvene izzive pri 70.

Point represents age, we want to be fleshy, wrinkle-free and smooth, while looking into the eyes to be happy and full of life, the voice can not be rough and quiet. Wrinkles on the chin and quiet voice mean health challenges at 70.


 Za ta del nočemo da je špicast ampak širok in mesnat, kar predstavlja bogastvo in visok položaj ter spoštovanje v družbi. Želimo tudi da izstopa nežno, nočemo da štrli preveč ali pa da sploh ne izstopa, če izstopa nežno to pomeni  udobno starost. Za ženske je boljše če je okrogla točka, za moške pa da je kvadrataste oblike. Če ima ženska to točko kvadratasto to pomeni da bo delala tudi na stara leta. Brazgotine ali linije na tej točki pomenijo zdravstvene izzive, predvsem dolgotrajno bolezen ali probleme z otroci v 71 letu. Razpoka na bradi tudi predstavlja probleme pri 71 letu.

For this part we do not want to be pointy but a wide and meaty, which represents wealth and high status and respect in society. We also want to stand out gently, we do not want it sticking out too much or they do not stand out, stands out gently if it means a comfortable old age. For women it is better if the round point and for men it is square. If a woman has this item square, this means that it will work even in old age. Scars or line at this point represent health challenges, particularly long-term illness or problems with children in 71 year. The cleft at the chin also poses problems in 71 year.


 Točki kažeta na sposobnost osebe ali bo služabnik ali šef. Ta pozicija mora biti gladka, široka in brez linij ter mesnata. Zgubana, tanka koža ali linije pomenijo probleme z zaposlenimi, neubogljive otroke pri 72 in 73 letu. Koža na tem delu ne sme biti temnejša ali zelenkasta, to pomeni smrt iz neznanih razlogov. Če oči moškega izstopajo in je adamovo jabolko zelo vidno in je barva pozicij temnejša ali zelenkasta to pomeni smrtno nesrečo z vozilom.

Points indicate the ability of the person or the servant or boss. This position must be smooth, wide and without lines and fleshy. Wrinkled, thin lines represent or problems with employees who do not obey the children at 72 and 73 year. The skin on this part should not be dark or greenish, it means death for unknown reasons. If a man eyes stand out and is a very prominent Adam's apple and the color is dark or greenish positions, this means the death an accident with a vehicle.


Točki morata biti mesnati, ne koščeni in nič ne sme izstopati. Če sta točki mesnati dopolnjeni z rožnatimi ustnicami z zdravim izgledom, to kaže na užitek pri 74 in 75, obkroženost s prijaznimi ljudmi in družino.

Points must be flesh, not bone and nothing should stand. If the point of fleshy pink lips complemented by a healthy appearance, this indicates pleasure in 74 and 75, inaccessibility with friendly people and family.
Ljudje z izstopajočo čeljustnico so običajno  takšni, da jih nič ne zaustavi pri doseganju ciljev, grejo preko prijateljev in družine za dosego nekega cilja.

 People with a prominent jaw are usually such that they stop at nothing to achieve the objectives go beyond friends and family to achieve a goal.

STAROST 76-99- 12 ŽIVALI/ AGES  76-99 - 12 ANIMALS

Te točke so okrog obraza, kot kažejo spodnje slike in so razdeljene na 12 nebeških živalskih znamenj. Za moške jih gledamo v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalce, za ženske pa v smeri urinega kazalca.

These points are around the face, as shown by the figure below and are divided into 12 celestial animal signs. For men, look at them in the counter-clockwise direction, while for women it clockwise.

Za srečo osebe pri teh letih niso pomembne samo posamezne točke ampak celoten sektor znotraj te točke.  Recimo ko ocenjujemo starost 76 moremo gledati predvsem oči. Po letu 76 upoštevamo kvaliteto glasu osebe, kožo in barvo čela, kožo obraza in izgled oči. Pri 100 letih se začne štetje od začetka, tako da takrat pogledate točko 1.

Fortunately for the people at this age are not only the individual but the whole point of this point within the sector. Suppose we estimate the age of 76 can not be seen primarily eye. 76 After considering the quality of the voice of the person and the skin color of the forehead, face and eye look. For 100 years starts counting from the beginning, so that when you look at point 1.

Tako pa smo prišli skozi leta življenja.V naslednjih zapisih bom opisala 12 palač na obrazu, ki so tudi zelo pomembne za  branje obraza. 

Thus, we have come through the lifes of the following formats I will describe 12 mansions on the face, which are also very important to read the face.



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