Pa začnimo s pozicijami srednjih let :)
Let's start with the middle-age positions :)
Kot vidite ta leta predstavljajo obrvi, leti 31 in 32 predstavljata začetna dela obrvi, 33 in 34 pa končni del obrvi. Poziciji 31 in 32 sta pomembni pri evalvaciji sreče pri posamezniku. Obrvi predstavljajo karakter in naravo osebe. Posamezniki, ki so ukazovalni imajo običajno začetne dele obrvi, ki so podobni krilom, ali pa so dlake na obrvih usmerjene navzgor. Pri sramežljivih ljudeh pa so dlake obrvi usmerjene navzdol. Ljudje z redkimi obrvmi so običajno trmasti in njihovo pomanjkanje fleksibilnosti glede spreminjanja mnenj jim velikokrat povzroča težave.
As you can see, this year represent eyebrows, years 31 and 32 represent the starting of Eyebrow, 33 and 34, the final part of the eyebrows. Positions 31 and 32 are important in the evaluation of happiness in an individual. Eyebrows represent the character and nature of the person. Individuals who are commanding usually have the initial parts of the eyebrows, which are similar to the wing, or the hair on your eyebrows upwards. For shy people are hair eyebrows downward. People with rare eyebrows are usually stubborn and their lack of flexibility in changing the opinions they often cause problems.
Če je obrv prelomljena (slika spodaj), kaže na probleme pri 31 letu in tudi na to da se oseba ne razume s sorojenci. Tanke in redke obrvi kažejo na ljudji s šibko voljo, so premalo vztrajni in jim primanjkuje zagona.If the Eyebrow is broken (see picture below), indicating problems in 31 year and also the fact that the person does not understand the siblings. Thin and sparse eyebrows suggest people with low available are too persistent and lacking momentum.
Za ženske niso zaželjene debele obrvi, sploh če so zadebeljene na začetku, to nakazuje na pomanjkanje ženskih karakteristik. Po Mian Xiang morajo imeti moški Yang karakteristike, ženske pa Yin karakteristike. Če ima moški recimo redke obrvi, to nakazuje da je zaskrbljen za vsako malenkost. Za moške je pomembno da nima pregostih ali preredkih obrvi, ter da rasejo navzven, to pomeni napredek v službi med 31 in 32 letom, za samske moške pa najverjetneje da se bodo takrat poročili.
For women are not desirable thick eyebrows, even if they are thickened at the beginning, this indicates the lack of female characteristics. After Mian Xiang Yang represents male characteristics, women Yin characteristics. If a man hat sparse eyebrows, this indicates that the concern for every detail. For men, it is important that not too thick or too sparse eyebrows, and to grow outward, it means progress in the service of between 31 and 32 years, for single men are most likely to be time reports.
Poziciji 33 in 34 predstavljata končna dela obrvi. Že prej smo rekli, da obrvi ne smejo biti pregoste in ne preredke. Recimo če ima oseba goste obrvi a se vseeno opazijo korenine dlak, to nakazuje da ima dobre prijatelje ali sorojence, ki mu zmeraj pomagajo. Za obrvi ni zaželeno tudi da so predolge, če so dolge in tanke ter se dotikajo temenc pomenijo da je oseba preveč radodarna do prijateljev. Široke obrvi nakazujejo na ukazovalno osebo, ki je samovšečna. Redke obrvi na pozicijah 33 in 34 pomenijo da oseba ne more prihraniti denarja, ker ga preveč zapravlja.
Positions 33 and 34 represent the final part of the eyebrows. We have already said that eyebrows should not be too thick and not too sparse. For example if a person has thick eyebrows but still notice hair roots, this indicates that he has the good friends or siblings, which always help. Eyebrow is also not desirable that are too long, if they are long and thin and touching temples mean that the person is too generous to friends. Wide eyebrows suggest bossy person who is smug. Sparse eyebrows at positions 33 and 34 mean that a person can not save money because it spends too much.
Če so obrvi redke in tanke oseba nima poguma in sposobnosti, da bi zagrabila dobro priložnost, sicer se to lahko nekoliko izboljša po 34 letu, vendar ostaja vse življenjski problem, oseba se mora naučiti asertivnosti. Pri moških ki imajo obrvi na poziciji 33 in 34 zelo goste, tem so žene na drugem mestu, prvo mesto asedajo prijatelji.
If there are sparse eyebrows and thin then person does not have the courage and ability to grabbed the opportunity well, otherwise this may slightly improve after 34 year, but remains all life problem, a person needs to learn assertiveness. For men who have eyebrow at position 33 and 34, very dense, the wives are in second place, first place occupy friends.
Če nam obrvi predstavijo karakter človeka, nam oči povejo kakšno srce ima. Če vas nekdo ko govori z vami ne gleda oči, ali pa mu pogled beži v druge smeri, pomeni to da neka prikriva ali da laže. Veliki Yin je zmeraj na desni strani pri ženskah na točki 35 in pri moških na točki 36. Veliki Yang na levi strani pri ženskah na točki 36 in pri moških na točki 35.
If eyebrow present character of person, eyes tell what kind of heart they got. If you talk to someone that do not look in your eyes, or look arunde in the other direction, this means that is hiding something or he's lying. Great Yin is always on the right side for women at point 35 and men at point 36. Great Yang on the left side in women at point 36 and men at point 35.
Ko gledamo ti dve točki iščemo jasnost in barvo. Pri notranjem delu očesa ne smemo videti rdečih žilic, pri otrocih se lahko pojavijo pred kakšnim testom, rdečina v očesu predstavlja strah pred testom. Pri odraslih pa to nakazuje ljudi, ki so zmeraj poraženi, ko se gre za kako ocenjevanje, najsibo v službi ali v zasebnem življenju, to so ljudje, ko prosijo bližnjega za uslugo so ponavadi zavrnjeni.
When we look at these two points we are looking for clarity and color. If at the point of the eye we see as irrelevant red veins, by children may occur before any test, redness in the eye, a fear of test. In adults, this suggests people who are always defeated, when it comes to how to assess, whether at work or in private life, these are the people that ask a beloved for a favor bot they are usually rejected.
Pri ženskah morajo biti beločnica in šarenica jasno definirani, to pomeni, da na beločnici ni kakšnih rumenih madežev. To pomeni za obdobje 35-40 veliko problemov in velike spremembe. Lahko zamenjajo službe, može če oči niso jasne. Vendar če je recimo beločnica obarvana rumenkasti madeži ampak oko je jasno, to pomeni spremembe na boljše. Če je beločnica rumenkasta ali mat barve to ne predstavlja jasnine v očeh.
Points represent the moving part of eyeballs, we want to have strong, clear and moving it indicates a person full of life. For those eyeballs almost do not move and they are lifeless, these people are between 37 and 38 had little luck. If is eyeball moist and watery, this is very sentimental person, and that over the years have experienced changes in the relationship or experiencing any eye problems and call for change.
Women waitnes and iris should be clearly defined, it means that the sclera is not some yellow spots. This means for a period of 35-40 many problems and major changes. You can change the service men if the eyes are not clear. However, if for example, haw colored yellowish stains but the eye is clear, it means change for the better. If the whites of the eyes yellow or matte paint is not a brightness in his eyes.
Ženske s solznimi in povešenimi očmi so ponavadi v slabem zakonu. Pri ženskah gledamo tudi na področje pod očmi, ki kažejo prostor za otroke. Če ima ženska podočnjake, četudi je spala 12 ur, to nakazuje na slabo afiniteto z otroki. Starši, ki imajo podočnjake in črte na tem mestu imajo po vsej verjetnosti težavne otroke ali so otroci zelo bolni, če pa so otroci vredu pa so starši paranoidni in preveč zaščitniški do otrok.
Potem ob robu zrkel, če se pojavi modri obroč, to ponavadi nakazuje na težave s srcem.
Women with downcast eyes and wattery eyes are usually in a bad marriage. For womenif we are looking at the area under the eyes, which show palace for children. If a woman has dark circles, even if she slept for 12 hours, it indicates a poor affinity with children. Parents who have dark circles and lines on the site are likely to have a difficult child or children are very sick, but if the children are okay but parents are paranoid and over-protective of children. If at the edge of the eyeballs, there is a blue ring, it usually indicates a problem with the heart by person.
Točki sta v zunanjem kotičku oči, da prinašata srečo morajo biti oči v tem predelu obrnjene navzgor. Navzdol obrnjene pomenijo nesrečo v 39 ali 40 letu, v tem delu tudi ne sme biti rdečih žilic ali če točki prekrivata veki. Če veki prekrivata točki je ta oseba zelo posesivna ali pa oseba ni nikoli zadovoljna z ničemer, tu pa je tudi izvor problemov v letih 39 in 40.
Points are in the outer corner of the eyes, to bring happiness to be in this part of the eye facing upwards. Downward mean disaster in 39 or 40 year in this part also may be red veins or overlap point eyelid. If eyelid overlap point is this person very possessive or person is never happy with anything, but here is the source of problems in years 39 and 40.
V naslednji objavi si bomo pogledali točke od 41 do 50.
In the next post we'll look at points 41 to 50.