nedelja, 2. december 2012

Mian Xiang-kitajsko branje obraza/Mian Xiang- chinese Face reading 11.del/11.part


Pozicija se nahaja na philtrumu, to je nad zgornjo ustnico.

Predstavlja prehod med srednjimi in starejšimi leti. Pozicija nam pove če nas pri 51 čaka kakšen večji izziv in kako se bo z njim spoprijel. Pove tudi to, če bo oseba prenesla premoženje v stara leta ali ne. Za to točko si želimo da je široka in globoka. Ozek in raven philtrum nakazuje, da se bo oseba srečala z velikim izzivom pri 51 letu in da bo težje nesla svoje premoženje v stara leta. Brazgotina ali linija ob nasmehu pomeni večjo ogrožujočo nesrečo pri 51 letu. 
Pri ženskah lahko tudi iz te točke razberemo če bo imela težave z zanositvijo. Izpuščaj, brazgotina ali oseba z zajčjo ustnico bo težje zanosila ali bo pa imela težave z reproduktivnimi organi. Ozek, raven philtrum pomeni da bo imela težek porod ali da bo s težavo zanosila.  Kratek philtrum z navzgor ukrivljenimi ustnicami lahko prinese težave z reprudoktivnimi organi. Z moške kratek in ozek philtrum isto pomeni težave z reprudoktivnimi organi. Če je vaš philtrum raven to pomeni, da so vaši otroci povprečni.

Is the transition between middle and older years. Position tells us if we are at 51 waiting for some more challenging and how we  will cope with it. Its also says that, if a person transferred assets in old age or not. For this point we want to be wide and deep. Philtrum and narrow level indicates that a person will meet the great challenge in 51 year and took it to be more difficult their assets in old age. Scar or line at smile means big life-threatening accident at 51 year.

For women, you can also deduce from this point if you will have trouble getting pregnant. Rash, scar or a person with a harelip will be harder to get pregnant or will it have problems with the reproductive organs. Narrow, flat philtrum means that it will have a difficult birth or problem to conceive. Short philtrum and upper curved lips can bring problems with repruductive organs. The men's short philtrum, and narrow is the same problem with repruductive organs. If your philtrum is narrow, this means that your kids are average.

STAROST 52- 53

Sta točki, ki sta na desni in na levi strani philtruma, sta točki, ki nam govorita o blaginji človeka. Ljudje, ki imajo tanki ali koščeni točki ne znajo spoštovati svoje blaginje, torej tega kar imajo. Moški, ki ima debeli in mesnati ti točki,  lepo skrbijo za svoje žene in jim nudijo lepo življenje. Pri ženskah nočemo da je na teh točkah bel madež ali dlake to pomeni da nezna ceniti lepih stvari niti ne ceni denarja, take ženske ponavadi morajo skrbeti same zase celo življenje.
Na tem mestu se lahko pojavijo tudi znamenja ali pike, znamenja so tista, ki nekoliko izstopajo iz površja kože, pike pa so zgolj obarvane in so na površini kože. Če imamo  znamenje na tem mestu, to pomeni ogromno priložnosti za uživanje najboljše hrane.

Two points, which are on the right and on the left side of the philtrum, the point that talk about the well-being of person. People who have thin or bony point do not know how to respect their welfare, so that they have. A man who has thick and fleshy these points nicely take care of their wives and give them a good life. For women, we do not want that at these points stain or white hair that means unknown appreciate beautiful things do not even cost money, such women often have to take care of themselves for a lifetime. At this point may be seen markers or dots, signs are those that stand out slightly from the surface of the skin, spots are just painted and the surface of the skin. If we sign in this town, that means a lot of opportunities to enjoy the best food.


 Točki 54 in 55 sta zdraven točk 52 in 53. Povezujemo ju s priložnostmi človeka, da uživa v svojem premoženju, da išče nenavadne stvari, da si zna ustvariti priložnosti za večje bogatenje. Ko ocenjujemo ti točki moramo zmeraj gledati na konce ustnic, usta z jasnimi  mejami in taka, ki izgledajo kot da bi se zmeraj smejali so dobra usta. Od ust navzgor ne sme voditi nobena linija, to pomeni slabo finančno stanje pri 54 in 55 letu ali celo bankrot. Če so te točke tanke pomenijo bolezen pri v tem letu. Tudi temnejših obarvanj ne sme biti na teh mestih to pomeni težave z ledvicami, krvno cirkulacijo ali sečili.

Points 54 and 55 are near points 52 and 53. We connect them with opportunities a man to enjoy his property to search for unusual things that you can create more opportunities for enrichment. When assessing these points must always look at the ends of the lips, mouth, with clear boundaries and such that look as if they are always a good laugh mouth. From the mouth can not keep up any line, it means a bad financial situation at 54 and 55 year or even bankruptcy. If these points are thin mean disease this year. Even darker colorations may not be in those places that mean kidney problems and blood circulation.


Ta linije ne smejo biti vedne  pred 45 letom, a si vendar želimo da se sčasoma pojavijo. Če se pojavijo pred 45 pomeni, da oseba trpi ali opravlja težko delo. Ampak je pomembno, da imate dolge in sorazmerno globoke smejalne linije, kajti to predstavlja dolgo življenje.  Prikazujejo pa tudi reputacijo in ime osebe, ljudje na visokih položajih imajo ponavadi globoke in nekoliko od ust odmaknjene, jasne in neprelomljene smejalne linije. Če so pri letu 56 in 57 jasne in neprelomljene vas čaka povišanje vašega statusa. Če sta liniji zelenkaste ali temnejše barve kot običajno vas tisti dan ne čaka denarna sreča. Pri ženskah globoke smejalne linije  pomenijo, da živijo življenje pod stresom in pritiskom. Linije tudi ne smejo biti prelomljene, to pomeni povečanje na zlome udov. Na tisti strani na kateri je prelom linije, na tisti strani si boste zlomili ud pri starosti 57 ali 56. Linije ne smejo biti vijugaste, to lahko pomeni rak pljuč ali želodca.

This lines should not be visible before 45 years, but yet you want to occur at one point. If it occurs before 45 means that the person suffers, or performing heavy work. But it is important that you have a long and relatively deep smile lines, because it represents a long life. Show as well as reputation and name of the person, people in high places tend to have deep and somewhat isolated from the mouth, clear and non brocken smile lines. If they are in year 56 and 57 are clear and non brocken awaits  increase of the status. If the line greenish or darkish color than you normally that day without waiting for money luck. In women, deep smile lines mean to live life under stress and pressure. Lines also can not be broken, this means an increase in fractures of the extremities. On the side where the break lines on the side, you will break a limb at the age of 57 or 56 Lines should not be wavy, this may mean lung  or stomach cancer.



Razen sreče v teh letih obravnavata točki tudi hvaležnost. Če sta čeljusti zelo koščeni se ta oseba ne zaveda hvaležnosti. Če čeljust izstopa na teh točkah je oseba nehvaležna in ni sentimentalna. Kvaliteta pozicije čeljustnic je odvisna tudi od ušes in od točke nekoliko nad čeljustnico imenovano Center življenjskih vrat. Če ima oseba dobre ušesne mečice, se bo obnašanje te osebe čez leta izboljšalo in se bodo čez čas naučile biti hvaležne, kar bo zmanjšalo učinek izstopajoče čeljustnice. Ljudje brez ušesnih mečič in izstopajočo čeljustnico na teh točkah so običajno neusmiljeni. Če sta ti poziciji koščeni ali izstopajoči,ušesa so brez mečič in je center življenjskih vrat izstopajoč to pomeni večje zdravstvene težave pri 58- 59 letih. Če pa je temu pridružen recimo špicast nos pomeni da lahko pričakujemo kakšen večji finančni izziv v teh letih.

Except for happiness in the ages presents this  point also gratitude. If the jawbone is bony this person is not aware of gratitude. If the shoe stand out at these points is ungrateful person and not sentimental. Quality jaw position also depends on the ear and point slightly above the jawbone called Center of Life Gate. If a person has good ears, the behavior of this person over the years and improve with time they will learn to be grateful, which will reduce the effect of outstanding jawbone. People without ear lobes and a prominent jaw at these points are usually ruthless. If these positions bone or outstanding, ears without lobes and the center of life gate  noteworthy that means more health problems at 58-59 years. If this is the associate say pointy nose means that we can expect some major financial challenge over the years.


V študiji petih elementov vodo povezujemo z emocijami in čustvi, tako nam usta povejo človekova globoka čustva. Če je človek žalosten to lahko razberemo skupno iz ust in oči. Ko gledamo točko 60 hkrati tudi gledamo celotna usta. Tako želimo da so usta nekoliko večja, majhna usta predstavljajo osebo, ki ima težko življenje in veliko bolezni v starejšem odbobju. Majhna usta so tista, ki so krajša od širine vašega nosu. Ustnici se morata srečati na točki, da bo imela oseba srečo pri 60 letih.

Ustnice morajo imeti tudi jasne meje in koti ustnic morajo biti usmerjeni navzgor, tudi ko se oseba ne smeji. Če ustnice nimajo jasnih mej in so koti usmerjeni navzdol to pomeni osamljenost pri 60 letih in tudi zelo emocionalno osebo. Pri ženskah ocenjujemo tudi polnost ustnic. Ne smejo biti pretanke, te so značilne za neusmiljene osebe, ne sentimentalne in, ki ne cenijo razmerja. Vendar pa ne smejo biti preveč debele, polne ker izražajo preveliko zapeljivost. 

Lips should also have clear boundaries and corners lips must be geared up, even when the person does not laugh. If your lips do not have clear boundaries and corners on the downside it means loneliness in 60 years and also a very emotional person. In women, we estimate the fullness of lips. Should not be too thin, these are typical of the cruel person, sentimental and not value relationships. However, it should not be too thick, they reflect too full of allure.

Več naslednjič :)
More next :)

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