Poziciji teh točk sta v robovih čela. Visoka in široka pozicija 23 in 24 nakazuje na zmožnost ali pa da bo oseba delala v oddaljenih krajih oziroma da se ta oseba lahko brez težav preseli v druge kraje. Tisti, ki imajo mesnato, vlažno in svežo kožo na pozicijah 23 in 24 lahko veliko potujejo in s tem tudi služijo denar.
The position of these points are the edges of the forehead. High and wide positions 23 and 24 indicates the ability or that person has worked in remote places or that the person can easily move to other places. Those who have fleshy, moist and fresh skin at positions 23 and 24 can travel a lot and thus make money.
Če pa se na teh mestih pojavijo izpuščaji ali temnejši madeži, to pomeni da boste na potovanju doživeli nesrečo, če se pa pojavijo še matirajoče oči in izpuščaji na nosu ali da nos postane temnejši, to nakazuje na nesrečo, ki bo prinesla veliko finančno izgubo.
However, if this is where rash or darker stains, it means that you have an accident on the road, if it occur Matt eyes and rash on the nose or the nose becomes darker, this points to an accident, which will bring great financial loss.
Ženske, ki imajo višje ležeči poziciji 23 in 24 bodo najverjetneje spoznale svojega moža izven svojega domačega okoliša, pri ženskah z nižje ležečimi pozicijami, pa pomeni da jim ne bo treba narediti koraka, da bi si našle moškega, on bo našel njo.
Women who have elevated positions 23 and 24 are most likely to recognize her husband outside their home district, in women with lower-lying positions, which means that they will not need to go to find your man, he will find her.
For this position we want to be smooth skin that is moisturized, without scars, lines, without bumps and indents on. We connect with earthines and how much the person appreciates what they have. Concave or convex paragraph 25 indicates a person with extreme views on the world. For example, can become very obsessed with what they like, which leads to disbalance in their lives. Position 25 is to be viewed in tandem with the ears, the Mountain Rooth and eyebrows. All of these points must be supported position 25, this indicates that the person to reach his 25 in the example If is position 25 dished, eyebrows are sparse and that the person is female, it means regression, most likely in a relationship.
To sta poziciji, kateri, ko nas boli glava masiramo. Ti poziciji nam pokažeta notranje namene osebe, njihov občutek za altruizem in zmožnost deliti dobro z drugimi. Opazujemo če sta ti točki mesnati, če je koža čista, brez linij, ki bi prečkale te pozicije. Poziciji imenujemo grobnica prednikov(26) in grob prednikov (27), torej sta ti točki zelo povezani z našimi predniki. Če so lasje zelo blizu teh točk, ali če pokrivajo ta del pomeni, da je grob prednikov na nepravi feng shui poziciji. Če je ta del mesnat in svetel pomeni, da nas varujejo naši predniki.
These are positions which, when we have a headache then we massage. These positions reveal the internal purposes of the person, their sense of altruism and the ability to share well with others. Observe if these points are fleshy, if the skin is clean and free of lines that passed through that position. Position called ancestral tomb (26) and ancestral grave (27), therefore these points closely related to our ancestors. If the hair is very close to the points, or if the cover is part of the ancestral grave in the wrong feng shui position. If this part is meaty and bright means that we are protect by our ancestors.
Je najpomembnejša pozicija na obrazu. Branje obrazov se začne pri tej točki. Če je ta pozicija široka, prostorna in mesnata, ne koščena je kvaliteta življenja te osebe zelo dobra. Če je pozicija široka to pomeni da lahko damo vsaj dva prsta med obrvi. Če sta obrvi tesno skupaj pomeni, da je oseba ozko gledna, če sta pa široko narazen, je oseba svobodomiselna, prijazna in iskrena. Tudi če nas zanima nasplošno kako je z našo srečo v posameznem dnevu je dovolj da pogledamo to točko, če je recimo temnejša in flekasta pomeni da tisti dan nismo imeli sreče ali pa na določen dan ne bomo imeli srečo.
Is the most important position on the face. Face Reading starts on this point. If this position is broad, spacious and fleshy, not bony the quality of life of person is very good. If the position is wide it means that we can give at least two fingers between the eyebrows. If the eyebrows close together means that the person is a narrow lookout if they are wide apart, the person is liberal, friendly and sincere. Even if we are interested in general how our luck in a single day is enough to look at this point, if for example, darker and patchy means that this day we will had no luck, or on a specific day, we will not have a luck.
Ti točki se nahajata znotraj lasišča, nekaj centimetrov nad konicami ušes in sta zelo povezani s točkama 26 in 27, ne vplivata na karakter osebe, ampak sta bolj povezani z Feng Shui- em grobnice prednikov. Ko prebiramo obraz ti dve točki beremo skupaj s toko 28. Če ne točki 28 poteka linija to pomeni da ta točka nosi Sha Qi. Če je recimo obrv preščipnjena in je obrv zelo redka, to pomeni da bo oseba doživela življenjsko ogrožujočo nesrečo pri tridesetih. Če je Montain root nizko in je ozka točka 28 ter sta poziciji 29 in 30 izbočeni to pomeni zdravstvene težave pri 28 ali 29 ali nesrečo, ki bo povzročila zdravstvene probleme.
These points are located within the scalp, a few inches above the tips of the ears and are closely related to points 26 and 27 do not affect the character of a person, but are more related to Feng Shui ancestral tombs. When we read the face of these two points read in conjunction with the 28th circuit. If you do not paragraph 28 passing line, this means that this point bears Sha Qi. If we have chipped brows and the brows is very sparse, it means that a person's life-threatening accident in the thirties. If Montain root is low and narrow paragraph 28 and the 29 and 30 positions convex, this means health problems at 28 or 29 or an accident that could lead to health problems.
Pa smo prišli skozi mlada leta, v nekaj naslednjih objavah bomo predelali srednja leta.
And we came through the young ages, so in the next few posts we will study middle age points.
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