Se nahaja pod našimi očmi , in predstavlja naše otroke oziroma naš odnos z njimi.
Is located under our eyes, and presents our children or our relationship with them.
Želimo si da je barva v tem predelu jasna, čista, brez linij, kar pomeni dobro povezavo z otroki. Če je predel mesnat, torej da ni otečen ali puhast in da barva ni temna, pomeni, da bodo vaši otroci prinesli družini ugled s svojimi dejanji.
Če se pojavi temnejše obarvanje pod očmi, ponavadi to nakazuje na težavne otroke ali pa na panične starše. Če se obarvanje pojavi samo na eni strani, pomeni da otrok gre skozi nekakšne začasne težave, če se pojavi pod desnim očesom gre običajno za hčer če pa pod levim pa običajno za sina. Če se pod očmi pojavijo linije in obarvanje pomeni to slabo povezavo z otroki.
We wish you that the color in this area is clear, clean, free lines, which means a good connection with children. If an area is meaty, so it is not swollen or fluffy and the color is not dark, it means that your children will bring the family reputation with their actions.
If there is a darker coloration under the eyes, usually this indicates the difficult children or parents to panic. If staining occurs only on one side, it means that a child goes through some kind of temporary problem, if you get the right eye is normal for a daughter if the left is normal for a son. If the lines appear under the eyes and coloration, this means bad connection with children.
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